Tuesday, January 17, 2012

genesis: chapter 1... tidy up!

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth...  (1:1)

...and everything in between.

He is so specific, and so organized and distinctive. In Genesis: Chapter 1 everything He created He separated, categorized, organized, divided, distinguished- creating not vague formless things, but making incredible detailed choices about color and size and place and aroma and taste and whether something can fly or swim or be eaten or belongs to the day or the night. Everything He created has a form, a function, a place in the order of things. He created the grass and seeds and fruit trees very early so they would be ready to consume for humans. He created humans separately and immediately blessed them and told them to have sex (1:28) and eat (1:29). He saw everything He had made and He saw that it was very good (1:31).

I should be more organized. In my home, in my car, in my purse, on my calendar, in my writing, I should be able to take stock of it all, see what is there, and see that it is good. Instead of being afraid of being attacked by flying books in my basement, I should donate everything that doesn't fit on the four bookshelves we have down there. Instead of an avalanche of downy freshness falling upon me every time I open the linen closet, I need to divide and conquer the 37 extra pillowcases I keep on hand just in case. I mean, in my house, everything is in such a jumble I can't SEE anything. God could survey his work because He was lovely about it. He knew where everything went and what it did and how it fit together with everything else. It was good. I want to look around my house and my stuff and say: this is good.

Lord help me stop winging everything into cupboards and junk drawers and closets and baskets. I want to be more organized and specific about what is around me. From the beginning I want to have a place for everything and make my surroundings as lovely as I can. Grace me with your power to not slack in this area.

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