Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Genesis: Chapter 17... I dub thee.

When Abram was 99 years old, the Lord appeared to Abram and said to him, “I am Almighty God; walk before me and be blameless. (17:1)

In this chapter the Lord re-names Abram and Sarai. They are now Abraham and Sarah and the Lord loads them with more promises about how kings of peoples shall be from them and all that. There's only one problem- they aren't even pregnant. God changes their names and calls them who they are before they are who He says they will be (i.e. Peter and Paul). God is constantly changing people's names BEFORE they become who God intends for them to be.

He does it with us, too. God changes us way deep on the darkest inside BEFORE He makes happen what we so desperately want to happen.. I have no idea why God made Abraham and Sarah wait so long (24 years up to this point)) to fulfill His promise to them. But I figure if you're going to be the parents of many nations and kings are going to come from you- you're character better be pretty well formed. We might think we are completely ready for something in our life, but in reality we need 4/ 8/ 16 more years to age/ change/ transform... be molded/ sanctified/ purified. I mean when God works something out every little thing has to be in place, right? If a person is setting up an intricate and delicate row of dominoes, you can't hit the first domino without it starting a chain reaction of falling stones.What if one of those stones isn't set up yet? Then the rest of the stones behind it won't fall. I imagine that if we're waiting for something... God has to set up all these stones... then He hits the first domino. I always want to hit that thing way before the rest of the stones are ready.

That's all I'm saying. That lots of times God changes us first, then makes stuff happen. I'm super-glad it's not always the other way around. In my impatience for whatever it is, I am not always ready for what I think I need/ want /deserve even though I want that thing really bad right now. But God has a different time-line. He needs to see me a little bit different first. Okay, Sir, sculpt away.